Submit Your Work
All students at the University of Ottawa can contribute to yPolitika. Submissions are collected in the portal below. The guidelines for submission are also listed below.
​The submission must follow the APA citation method.
We accept submissions in English and French.
The submission must fall into one or more of the following sections: local, domestic, global, and theory.
Academic articles must abide by a word count of 800-2500 words, excluding bibliographical entries.
Commentaries must abide by a word count of 400-800 words, excluding bibliographical entries.
Any submissions previously submitted as an assignment for a course at the University of Ottawa must have obtained a grade of at least 80%. ​
All academic article submissions must be accompanied with an abstract. ​
Submissions and proposals are only accepted as Google Drive documents.
Have a new idea? Submit your proposal in the portal. You will be matched with an editor to assist in the development of your work.​​